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August 2010
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August 2010 eBuilder Front Page

Gov-Elect Tom Varner's Message

by Gov. Elect Tom Varner

I join Gov. Don in expressing my heartfelt sympathies to Sylvia Cable and her family on the occasion of the passing of Past Capital District Gov and KI Trustee, Dana Cable. I will always remember Dana as a dedicated Kiwanian and a gracious gentleman.


We made it to Las Vegas and to Memphis for the Kiwanis and Key Club International Conventions. The ICON provided a wide variety of training and information programs. I was surprised by the failure of the amendment to have all clubs pay an annual fee for the convention in lieu of each attendee paying $200 to $400 to register. Clubs are members of Kiwanis International, not the Kiwanians. Clubs are required to attend the International Convention. As such, the clubs should pay for their two delegates. Logic would then suggest that a $200 fee is less than paying two registration fees of $200 minimum. It appears part of the problem is that many clubs do not support their delegates to the conventions. I hope all club President-elects will consider this when they make their budgets for next year.

President-Designate Sylvester Neal is a retired fire fighter and fire marshal. It should come as no surprise that his theme is lighting and fire in Kiwanis through new club building and club growth. An example of what can be done is that a few of the Governor-Elects went to Las Vegas early and joined Kiwanians from Las Vegas in building a new club. In the three days of work, over 50 prospects had been signed up and an organizational meeting was scheduled. What was the key? It was proper prior preparation. We have Lieutenant Governor-Designates already working to build clubs. Our district goal is one new club per Division. Now that is a challenge, but it can be done if we work smart and we work together.

The Capital District Convention is three short week away. The DCON Committee has planned several special events and a Saturday full of training and information gathering activities. Our major amendment before the House of Delegates will be the proposed dues increase. Most concerns that have been expressed in the meetings around d the District are why the board waited so long before proposing the increase. There may be sever reasons, but the fact is it was not done and not it is time to take action to keep the District strong financially. The amount of the dues increase has been likened to a cup of coffee or a soft drink each week, and it has been compared with the cost of living increases over the span of years since the last increase. The bottom line is we need to increase the annul dues for the District.

What makes the increase more palatable is that it that $12.00 of the International dues ($62.00) can be taken from the Service Account of the Club. While a partial payment has been permitted, the entire amount o the Club Liability Insurance can be taken from the Service Account. The reason is very simple, there are few if any lawsuits and damage claims the result from administrative activities. Close to 100% are the results of service projects the clubs are sponsoring. If you consider this, the increase to the Administrative Account is only $4.00 a year or $1.00 per quarter.

My advice to all Club Boards of Directors is to notify the membership of a probable Club Bylaws change that will cover the increase in dues. If your club is prepared and the increase is not approved, then you can withdraw the Bylaw amendment.

I look forward to seeing everyone in Lynchburg. If your wish is that I be the 2010-2011 Governor of the Capital District, I pledge to each Kiwanian that I will do my best to be a servant leader and provide service the membership and the Clubs.

The Kiwanis Family
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